Update or Edit an Action

After accepting responsibility for an action we need to keep our progress on the action up to date to not only remind ourselves of the steps we have taken so far but also to inform other users who are working with the same individual.

Only the action setter can make changes to the key information like Purpose, Name, Description and Deadline. This feature means actions can not be changed without the action setters knowledge which is especially vital when working with individuals who have been assessed and support plans created.

To update an action

For example, if our action was to telephone someone to discuss an issue, then this process would capture the attempts you have made before finally having the intended discussion.

  1. Select the Actions tab
  2. Select the edit tab on the right hand side
  3. Change the action status if necessary to in-progress, this tells others you are working on the action
  4. Enter any notes referring to the action in the Update Reason box
  5. Select the Update button

The action has now been updated, click on the action Updates tab to see your entry.

To cancel an action

In extreme cases you may need the ability to cancel an action. This is not something we recommend as this can lead to misuse and may impact negatively on the individuals you are working with so this feature is only available to the action setter. Please use this feature with care and consideration.

  1. Follow the above process to step 2
  2. Enter in the Cancel Action Reason box why the Action needs to be cancelled
  3. Select the Cancel button

Cancelled actions are not deleted, they still are shown and can be uncancelled.

Simply Unlocking Potential